Carbon Footprint Calculator

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Carbon Footprint Calculator

Features of the Carbon Footprint Calculator:

  1. Input Fields:

    • Monthly electricity consumption (kWh).
    • Monthly natural gas consumption (therms).
    • Annual car mileage (miles).
    • Number of flights per year (short-haul and long-haul).
    • Diet type (e.g., vegetarian, non-vegetarian).
  2. Output:

    • Total annual carbon footprint in metric tons of CO₂ equivalent.

How to Use the Calculator:

  1. Enter the monthly electricity consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
  2. Enter the monthly natural gas consumption in therms.
  3. Enter the annual car mileage in miles.
  4. Enter the number of short-haul flights per year.
  5. Enter the number of long-haul flights per year.
  6. Select your diet type from the dropdown menu.
  7. Click the "Calculate Carbon Footprint" button to see the total annual carbon footprint in metric tons of CO₂ equivalent.

The result will display the calculated carbon footprint, providing a quick and accurate estimation based on the input values.